Del Norte Mission Possible serves as a navigation center for our local homeless community. Working with local governmental and other charitable organization, our homeless clients are able to access a variety of supportive services. Health Care, Social Services, Mental Health, emergency food and clothing, access to employment, and job trai
Del Norte Mission Possible serves as a navigation center for our local homeless community. Working with local governmental and other charitable organization, our homeless clients are able to access a variety of supportive services. Health Care, Social Services, Mental Health, emergency food and clothing, access to employment, and job training are just a few examples of available supportive services.
Del Norte Mission Possible is excited to announce the opening of our Mission Possible Home. The MP Home is transitional in nature and exists to help participants build success in life and move forward out of homelessness.
We serve a target population of:
(1) low-risk, homeless women
(2) and who have a desire to learn, accept help and ut
Del Norte Mission Possible is excited to announce the opening of our Mission Possible Home. The MP Home is transitional in nature and exists to help participants build success in life and move forward out of homelessness.
We serve a target population of:
(1) low-risk, homeless women
(2) and who have a desire to learn, accept help and utilize relationship case management to overcome barriers that have prevented them from self-sufficiency.
The Mission Possible Home is focused on whole-person healing coupled with life skills. Everything we do has a foundation of restoring value to each woman. We offer a supportive environment that empowers women to self-sufficiency. Each woman will be valuable contributors to the process of upkeep, cleaning, cooking, gardening, planning activities and healthy meals.
This is a 3-month program, and works toward the goal of permanent housing and skills to sustain that housing. We will consider a longer stay if the participant is working toward a goal and is unable to find housing.
We also require 60% of income to be put into a savings. The financial model is used by Rouge retreat and is a proven best practice for achieving stability while promoting self-worth.
In addition, each woman agrees to work with a case manager and set weekly goals to work toward their unique end goals for the program. We celebrate each success together, and learn valuable tools along the way. We are grateful for partnerships within the community that assist to link women to services and agencies. Our goal for each woman who graduates our program is that they will learn to THRIVE and not just survive…for some, this will develop into peer-support specialist opportunities as they help at the house and in the field.
We have beds for 5 women, but are planning on starting small with 2, and building upon our success. We have an application process to ensure the right fit for our unique program. A desire to utilize case management to reach goals is essential.
We have a team of women who are coming together to form a solid support system for our residents and are volunteering overnight stays. Each comes with a wealth of experience, expertise and heart to oversee and encourage the women, so there is always supportive supervision with a unique quality of friendship that will remain even after the resident leaves.
If you or someone you know would be interested in volunteering, please contact Daphne 707-954-7319. This is an excellent opportunity for those who are working in furthering his or her education in the field of social services.
We have several women in our community who are coming together to make a difference by lending their skills. Some offer clerical help while others offer their wealth of life experience offering friendship and support. Some will come to teach art, health, exercise, therapeutic activities, make-up etc. Our desire is a community effort where women form a strong support group that will last after they leave the home.
In addition, we will be using the home for emergency interventions for low-risk overnight stays to keep women safe and secure while they are awaiting services or emergency appointments for doctor appointments.
We are working in partnership with DNATL Community Food Council to assist us with purchasing healthy food, and the Permaculture Guild is working with us in establishing a raised garden bed for healthy eating and therapeutic purposes.
This is an exciting endeavor, and an amazing opportunity to meet the needs of women in our community. As always, I am so honored to be able to offer these much-needed services.
Working closely with Social Services, HUD, Behavioral Services, Open Door Clinic, Sutter Coast Hospital and other agencies will be a vital part of the relationship case management that we are offering. So, I appreciate ideas, questions and opportunities to work together more efficiently to achieve our end goal of promoting a healthy community. The partnerships and case management skills I am learning on a small scale now will be beneficial when opening the 52-bed shelter. I am grateful for your partnership and support. You are incredible, and together are making a difference!
We would like to thank our partners! And invite our community to actively be a part of changing lives. For some it is through lending their skills, for others it is donations that are necessary for us to succeed. Together we can “flip the script”, and our ladies are more than worth it!
Daphne Cortese-Lambert, Director
Del Norte Mission Possible
1100 H Street
707-460-6008 (house)
707-954-7319 (cell phone)
In 2019, when COVID-19 began, Del Norte Mission Possible was honored to step in and fill the need to facilitate community showers in partnership with Del Norte County Social Services.
Our local shower program run by a church had closed and the pool also closed, which left our community in need.
Collaboration to solve a problem began wit
In 2019, when COVID-19 began, Del Norte Mission Possible was honored to step in and fill the need to facilitate community showers in partnership with Del Norte County Social Services.
Our local shower program run by a church had closed and the pool also closed, which left our community in need.
Collaboration to solve a problem began with a meager beginning. The county paid for supplies and a motel room to use for community showers. We were surprised to find that not only the homeless used these services but also disabled seniors who were not able to step into tubs.
We started with small numbers of 15-22 people, but what evolved was amazing! We found the community coming together for clothing donations, volunteering, food donations from local businesses and opportunity to really get to know the people we served and connect them to services.
Eventually, the motel sold, and we moved to the old recreation building. Our numbers had grown, but so had our successes and partnerships. The showers became known as a safe meeting place where people were welcomed and listened to.
Our partnership with other agencies such as Social Services, the Senior Center, Pacific Pantry, HUD, Coordinated Entry HMIS and local churches grew and “together” we were able to reach the most vulnerable of our community neighbors.
Meanwhile the county worked with Del Norte Senior Center to make this program a more permanent service. In June of 2021, the Del Norte Senior Center began the mobile shower project and chose the most appropriate name: "Community Shower Outreach".
DNMP is honored to still be a part of this outreach and provides hospitality and case management, but we are only a small part of the magic that occurs.
This has become a meeting place for many other agencies to come and make connections with a population that is sometimes reclusive. We are building bridges and proving that “together, we can make a difference!”
The Community Shower Outreach is Tuesdays at Open Door parking lot from 10-1. The showers are also behind Park City Superette on Thursdays from 10-2. Come early to sign up because they fill up quickly!
Thanks again to all our partners who have helped to make this pilot project a huge success! DNMP is honored to still be a part of this outreach and provides hospitality and case management, but we are only a small part of the magic that occurs.
Mission statement: Del Norte Mission Possible provides emergency shelter, relationship-based case management, and connection to support services for those who are homeless or at risk of being homeless. We also partner with individuals and agencies in the community to collaborate on locally-driven solutions to the growing homeless epidemic.
Project Intent: Our intent is to provide supportive services to homeless people by meeting essential and life-preserving needs as they shelter in place. Once immediate needs are met, we will implement relationship-based case management to connect people to services.
Purpose: Our Winter Shelter-in-Place Project’s purpose is to save lives and provide a bridge to services while collecting data to support an accurate count of Del Norte County’s homeless population.
Project Plan:
Winter Shelter In Place is an example of an innovative, pilot project that grew to meet many various needs of the community. Our Winter Shelter in Place Outreach began to meet the life-sustaining needs of the unhoused during COVID, while meeting them close to camps. Humboldt Area Foundation believed in this project and allowed us to begin with a dream, purpose, detailed budget, and a small trailer for supplies. We learned from other counties and then developed something that was unique to our community. What evolved is a new way for our community to reach the most vulnerable, reclusive, and unhoused population in Del Norte County. This pilot program was so successful, it became an opportunity for other social service agencies to connect. It is now a meeting spot for Del Norte County Health and Human Services, St. Vincent DePaul, Open Door, Aegis and Public Health to visit and connect with our unhoused neighbors. The model of meeting people where they are even extended to one of the most substantial services to our population as Open Door has created a medical outreach that provides services meeting folks where they are at! We would like to thank everyone who has an integral part in saving lives.
Our current Outreach has expanded to include a bus to carry more supplies and a dry place for case management. Outreach is foundational in building relationships that change lives. We would like to thank St. Vincent DePaul, private donors, Pacific Pantry, Community Assistance Network, and the Continuum of Care for supporting these efforts and helping us to reach over 800 individuals a year.
Together, we are making a difference!
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